Youth Protection Policy


Sol Treasures has adopted the following policies for the safety and well-being of its program participants. These policies primarily protect youth members; however, they also serve to protect adult leaders. Sol Treasures instructors and leaders must follow these guidelines with all youth programming.


Registration Requirements

  • The Operation Manager must approve the registration of all Sol Treasures adult instructors. Sol Treasures uses screening through the Department of Justice (DOJ) which identifies known or suspected abusers and allows Sol Treasures management to prohibit them from being instructors of children in Sol Treasures programming. Criminal background checks are mandatory for all instructors and volunteers working with children.

Adult Supervision

  • One-on-one contact between adult instructors/participants and youth members is prohibited both inside and outside of Sol Treasures programming, either in person, online, over the phone, or via text. Two-deep adult supervision by screened and cleared adult leaders 21 years of age or over is required for all Sol Treasures activities. This includes classes, rehearsals, meetings, and educational projects. 
    • In situations requiring a personal conference, the meeting is to be conducted with the knowledge and in view of other adults and/or youth. 
    • Private online communications (texting, phone calls, chat, IM, etc.) must include another leader or parent.
    • Communication by way of social media (Facebook, Snapchat, etc.) must include another leader or parent.


  • Adult leaders/participants and youth members share the responsibility for the safety of all participants in Sol Treasures programs, including adherence to Youth Protection and health and safety policies. In addition, adult leaders are required to adhere to all instructor conduct policies.
    • Adult leaders are responsible for monitoring behavior and intervening when necessary.
    • Physical violence, sexual activity, emotional abuse, spiritual abuse, unauthorized weapons, hazing, discrimination, harassment, initiation rites, bullying, cyberbullying, theft, verbal insults, drugs, alcohol, and pornography have no place in the programs and may result in revocation of membership.

Program Requirements

  • Adult leaders emphasize the buddy system in group rehearsals and special activities. Buddies must stay together during activities. Sol Treasures maintains a transparent approach to all programs with parental involvement encouraged.
  • The use of smartphones, cameras, mirrors, drones, etc., in places or situations where privacy is expected, is prohibited.
  • All aspects of Sol Treasures programs are open to observation by parents and organization leaders.
  • All forms of bullying and harassment including verbal, physical, and cyberbullying are prohibited. 
  • Inappropriate public displays of affection are prohibited.
  • Sexual activity is prohibited.
  • Appropriate attire is required for all activities.

Reporting Requirements

  • Adult leaders and youth members have a responsibility to recognize, respond to, and report all Youth Protection violations and abuse including mandatory reporting to law enforcement.